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Highmark December Sharecare Challenge Calendar

Making healthy choices isn’t always easy, especially when temperatures drop, stress rises, and the days become darker. It can be hard to find the time and energy to exercise regularly, prepare healthy meals, practice self-care, and ensure that you’re getting enough quality sleep. But taking some steps to protect your

Highmark December Plan for Health

“Always fill your own cup first and allow the world to benefit from the overflow.” You may have heard the phrase, “you can’t pour from an empty cup”. It is important to know and be able to communicate what fills your cup in order to live a happier healthier life.

Lytle EAP Year of Wellness: Power of Breathwork

You have over 20,000 opportunities to breathe each day. Using your breath to promote relaxation is one of the easiest ways to reduce stress and anxiety. Understand the science behind belly breathing and explore a few simple techniques to practice at home, work, or on the go!

Highmark Site of Services

Know where to go for care – anytime, anywhere.  When you or a loved one needs medical care – serious, routine, or somewhere in between – remember you have options. Our guide can help you choose the one that’s best for you.

Lonely But Not Alone

A myriad of factors influence widespread feelings of loneliness and isolation. Loneliness is affecting millions of Americans, and its impact may be more than just a fleeting feeling.

Highmark Vaccine Information and Updates

The CDC and FDA ensure the safety of vaccines through rigorous testing. Highmark’s Preventive Schedule recommends vaccinations based on factors such as age, gender, and health history.

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