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Social Determinants of Health

When we think of our health, the first thoughts that come to mind might be our physical, mental, social well-being, or if we are free of any colds or illness/disease. Having good health helps us live a full and active life. Social determinants of health (SDoH) are the non-medical factors

EdLogics April Challenge: ADDICTION

Opioids are strong painkillers.  Some patients need opioid meds for pain.  They use them the right way, under a doctor’s care.  But millions of people misuse them. Monthly Challenge: ADDICTION. Get 10 bonus HealthScratch(tm) entries if you finish the Addiction Quiz this month! April 2024 – Addiction

Lytle EAP April Year of Wellness: Get Outside

Regardless of your geographical location and season, the healing powers of the outdoors cannot be ignored. Let’s explore the heavily researched benefits of spending time outdoors while delivering practical ideas for improving your physical and mental health! Register for one of our live sessions: Tuesday, April 16th at 4pm ET

Your Digital Health Coach is Waiting

Highmark’s digital health coach is a 24/7 texting-based app brought to you by Lark. Create a personal wellness plan that can help you track your diet and medications, address concerns over stress, improve sleep, and quit smoking. View the flyer below to learn more about Lark and how you can

Find a Primary Care Provider

Stop health problems before they start.   Find a primary care provider you can count on.  When you have a primary care provider (PCP), it’s easy to get the well visits and preventive screenings that are vital to your health.  View the flyer below to learn more about finding a PCP

Sleep Awareness

According to the National Sleep Foundation (NSF), it’s recommended that adults get seven to nine hours of nightly sleep. However, many suffer from sleep-related disorders that keep them from getting quality sleep. About one in three adults have mild insomnia at some point in their lives. It can range from

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