Lytle EAP: Home Safe Program
If you have been drinking, don’t get behind the wheel of a vehicle. Call a cab, Lyft, or Uber for a safe ride home! The Lytle EAP Home Safe program will reimburse up to $25 per ride.
Understanding Gratitude
Gratitude can be broadly defined as a thankful appreciation for what an individual receives, whether tangible or intangible. With gratitude, people acknowledge the goodness in their lives by showing appreciation for the things that are meaningful or valuable to them. One of the best aspects of the holiday season is
Need help navigating the My Highmark App?
Explore a helpful tutorial to learn everything you need to know about getting started with the My Highmark app. This recorded presentation offers an in-depth and comprehensive overview of the platform, designed to guide you through its features and functionalities step by step. The video is thoughtfully organized into chapters,
EdLogics December Challenge: Stress
Complete the EdLogics monthly challenge and get 10 bonus HealthScratch entries if you finish this month! December 2024 – Stress
EAP offers members help for emergency and daily needs
When unexpected trauma strikes, Lytle EAP is here. When employees need specialized training, Lytle EAP is here. Whatever the need, whatever the situation, Lytle EAP is here. In this video, Cheryl Lucas, Clinical Manager of EAP Clinical Services, shares the full range of support available through Lytle EAP.
Lytle EAP November Year of Wellness Webinar
Work-life balance remains an ideal to strive for. From a psychosomatic perspective, learn practical ways to incorporate physical and mental balance into each day. Explore ways to balance both structure and schedule. Join us as we lean into many areas to choreograph a successful balancing act. The link to October’s