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Summer sports and eye safety: tips for parents

Summer sports and eye safety: tips for parents

Summer is a time for outdoor activities and having fun. But sometimes kids forget to wear sunglasses and protective eyewear when they’re playing outside.

Ultraviolet (UV) rays from the hot sun can cause irreversible damage. And kids are more likely to get eye injuries while playing sports. In fact, eye injuries are a leading cause of blindness in kids.1 That’s why it’s important for them to wear protective eyewear.

There are many types of non-prescription protective eyewear to choose from. And for kids who wear prescription glasses regularly, there are prescription sports glasses and goggles as well.

Check with your child’s eye doctor to see what your vision plan covers. You can also buy prescription protective eyewear online or in-store.

Here are suggestions for eyewear when playing sports:

  1. Safety goggles with polycarbonate lenses for:
      • Baseball and softball (when fielding)
      • Basketball
      • Mountain biking
  2. Helmets with attached polycarbonate face guards or face masks for:
      • Baseball and softball (when batting)
      • Hockey
      • Football
  3. Swim safety goggles with polycarbonate lenses for:
    • Surfing
    • Swimming
    • Water skiing or tubing

Keep in mind, children get more sun exposure than adults each year. That’s because many of their activities take place outside.

Increased exposure to sunlight also increases exposure to UV light emitted from the sun. In addition to protective eyewear when playing sports, make sure your children also wear sunglasses that filter out UVA and UVB light.

Follow these additional eye safety tips to help your child have a safe and fun summer.

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