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Saving for Fun

Saving for Fun

Where do we want to go on vacation?

It’s a question just about every family discusses at some point during the year.

But there is a different question they should be asking, according to some financial professionals.

Instead of asking where to go, ask how much can be spent on a vacation, experts say. Once that number is established, destinations can be determined, and plans can be made.

Experts also note that there are two types of vacations: those for which you budget and those your budget allows.

A more expensive trip, for example, may require advance savings and planning, keeping in mind all costs, including hotels, transportation, meals, attractions and more. Vacations that a budget allows may be closer to home and easier to plan. They may not require extensive travel or involve expensive attractions.

Saving in advance can involve setting aside a specific amount of money from each paycheck. That dollar amount will vary depending on an individual or family’s needs and the type of vacation desired. The frequency of travel can also make a difference, according to experts.

Those looking to get away should also keep in mind that it’s not always the destination that matters, but simply spending time with family and friends.

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