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Measuring Up: Evaluating how work fits into life

Measuring Up: Evaluating how work fits into life

Through a unique combination of timing and circumstances, a significant portion of the workforce is measuring how their jobs are contributing to their sense of life satisfaction.

Microsoft’s 2022 Work Trend Index Report, which focused on hybrid work, for example, reveals some interesting numbers. Nearly three-quarters (73%) of the workforce say they need a better reason to go into the office than only company expectations, and 76% say they’d remain longer with a company if they could benefit from learning and support.

With its office shutdowns and remote work accommodations, the COVID-19 pandemic gave people a chance to spend time exploring their interests and needs. They have experienced a work life with increased flexibility and all its associated benefits … and they like it.

Indeed, in Microsoft’s 2022 Annual Report, more than half (53%) the workforce reported being more likely to prioritize health and well-being over work, compared to before the pandemic.

Occupational Wellness

People want to keep that new-found flexibility and productivity in a role that supports them without burnout. They want their occupation to contribute to a happier, wholesome life. They are seeking occupational wellness, which experts say includes a sense of fulfillment, purpose and satisfaction in work life. What this looks like may differ for individuals, depending on their personality, skill set, strengths, talents and values.

Finding a new job is only one of many ways a person can act to improve their occupational wellness, but it is not always necessary, or even the right choice. Trust fund children aside, work is a mandatory part of life. Identifying the role work plays in overall life happiness will yield nothing but good.

Identifying only what a person is good at doing, however, is not always the best approach to finding a suitable occupation. Take math. Being good at math does not mean one’s destiny lies in programming or accounting. A math skill could be attributed to a person’s talent of paying attention to detail, memorizing, analyzing or recognizing patterns.

Asking oneself what they enjoy about a task or skill at which they excel can be enlightening. Considering your current life situation is also helpful. A meaningful job for a person at age 30 may not be the right fit when that person is 50 or even 35. Individuals grow. Life changes. Interests evolve. These are always in a state of fluctuation and should be assessed in the context of one’s overall occupational wellness.

Adapt. Accept. Adjust.

Sometimes adversity necessitates adjusting career timelines and goals. In some cases, life-changing events such as being laid off, suffering from mental health problems or coping with the death of a loved one marks the time to begin a new chapter.

In the end, occupational wellness is about harmonizing work and life. Finding happiness and meaning at work is a personal journey, and an individual will recognize when they have struck the right chord. For them, that is a satisfying sound, indeed.

True Value

Experts caution against equating financial success to life success.

In the personal pursuit of occupational wellness, recognize that some people hold wealth as a measurement of life success. These people derive enjoyment from working to increase their monetary gain, and often define themselves by their professional status and the material wealth and possessions they accrue.

It’s true that a source of income is necessary for people to meet their basic needs — food, housing, clothing and a means of transportation, to name those at the top of the list — but no person should measure their value as a human being or contributor to society by what they have attained financially.

Quality time with family and friends. Spending time outdoors. Hanging out and chatting with the same barista every weekend. These are other values that people may uphold and, for them, work is simply a means to do more of what they love.

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